Real-time marketing attribution Artificial Intelligence at the service of media effectiveness Our mission “Marketing attribution is vital to know the effectiveness of your media plan and artificial intelligence helps us know the real ROI of each euro invested in advertising”. Nacho Suanzes Chief Strategy Officer de MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital. We have built a unique technology on the market It is capable of reconstructing the entire Customer Journey of the audiences reached with advertising campaigns. Our neural network based algorithm uses hundreds of user level parameters such as; Impressions, clicks, views, behavior, visibility, abandonment rates, times consumed, conversion, non-conversion, product categories, different targets and a long etcetera to perform complex calculations in real time that provide us with the real ROI of the entire plan. marketing, predict their behavior and optimize your media plan to exceed the planned objectives. Once the personalized algorithms have been created for each advertiser and the media purchasing power has been automated, the expected results are clear: +50% Savings in half plan Up to 8_ Full stack Our technology MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital It ends the problem of “Last Click Attribution” where many advertisers feel trapped into investing in a single medium. It also offers powerful alternatives for the real optimization of the media plan and its subsequent purchase automation. Real-time marketing attribution Our technology is the only one on the market that allows you to individually view all consumers' Customer Journeys in real time and apply our artificial intelligence algorithms to discover the real ROI of all marketing actions. The powerful algorithm based on neural networks is capable of providing a solution to the attribution of digital and traditional media such as television and radio. Brand Lift insights Through integration with Kantar we put you in touch with panels and audiences around the world to help you find the answers you need and make better decisions. Brand impact metrics measure the real effect of in-market campaigns. We can also isolate creative quality to determine the role creativity plays in brand impact. AdSever & Dynamic Creativities The data and behavior of the different targets define the creativity shown to increase engagement with brands. Our technology creates and distributes messages in real time to reach each target with the right creativity and message. Custom Media Buying Algorithms The analysis of Big Data and the different marketing sources combined, we are able to create personalized algorithms for any brand and be more efficient in programmatic media buying in real time. Audience Builder Through the analysis of the different targets and their relationship with the brands, we build audience clusters to be able to evaluate all marketing actions on each individualized target. Indi cators/h1> Performance Metrics Campaign Performance Metrics help us track the effectiveness of advertising investment and how it translates into more sales or conversions. Performance Indicators 01 Attribution: Real value of the touch points within the customer journey 02 Contribution: How actions work together to generate the desired output 03 Impact on Target and Viewability 04 Effective visit, bounce rates and interaction times 05 Behavior of each target 06 real ROI

MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital news The new digital trends in the Neural One digital forum «We have incorporated boots as part of our digital strategy”,N. Cañete (Altamira) Nieves Cañete explains how the challenge of digital transformation and innovation in the real estate sector has been faced. The new digital trends about advertising met this morning at the forum digital celebrated… Control de los procesos para enfrentarse a la competencia It is necessary to regain control of the processes to face the competition", M.Beato(WiZink) Manuel Beato and Juan Gándara explain what are the remains that the banking sector faces in the process of digital transformation during the Digital Forum of MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital With… Moment of Truth «“We brands have gone from a Top of Mind model to a Moment Of Truth model” “We brands have gone from a Top of Mind model to a Moment Of Truth model”, Cesar Alonso (Telefónica) César Alonso, media director of Telefónica, proposes what they will be… MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital estrena sus nuevas oficinas en Madrid The new MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital offices will have a space where digital marketing forums and training courses will be held. MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital, company dedicated to the management and analysis of Big Data in Marketing and Advertising, held a digital forum on June 6 with… Artificial intelligence applied to Marketing A few months ago we announced that Kantar and MT5 Marketing Agency POI digital have reached an agreement to integrate services that represents the most complete and precise measurement service on the consumption, performance and return of online and offline marketing campaigns, with an integration